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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Fuzzy Wuzz Welcomes Back Winter!

I'm a little late on the faux fur trend (or maybe way way late!) but due to Winter still not being over, I still made it right on time. I figured I'd try on this faux fur vest I got at Mystique Boutique last week and give my attempt to the trend. If you read my previous post, did you get the hint? I was alluding to the infamous "Boots with the fur" line. So here it is:


**Faux Fur Vest: Mystique Boutique; Henley: Forever 21; Skinny Pants: Kmart (Piper & Blue); Boots: Cutesy Girl (Soda)

 What do you all think? Simple yes but can you dig it? I was at first opposed to the trend A. Because I'm not too crazy about fur in the first place and B. I'm the type of girl who dislikes a trend when it first comes but later on finds ways to make it work and ease my way into it, such as this one. (I've had the boots for a while and if you recall a few posts ago, I did wear a faux fur hat). I've seen other ladies who do complete fur coats and the like; I know I'll definitely not get to that point, though they can make it look fab, but when a trend doesn't call out to me so strongly, I work it in small versatile pieces.

Anyway, I went for a dark look once again to keep it simple and chic. My color pop came in the lips where I mixed a plum lip liner with pink lipstick and got this really cute subdued fuchsia color, which I think I'll be wearing a little more often for a little something different. I kept my hair out to have a wild style to keep it fun. All in all, I'm quite content with the look.

How do you guys feel about my outfit? What's your opinion on the faux fur trend? Do you care whether it's real or fake? Do you care at all for it? Let me know!

And here is just a funny picture I figured I'd take because my cat ears from an old Halloween costume were there and I love to be a kitty from time to time!

Hasta Luego Loves!

Little Luna

P.S. I forgot to mention the blogger that I was introduced to Fashiolista through so here is a link to her blog! Hope you guys enjoy her as much as I do!

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