To start things off, I will say I spent my last month of 2010 preparing a new look for the next year. At the beginning of the month I got my braces! Most people wouldn't be so excited but I have been wanting to correct my smile for years now and I'm excited the process has begun! I was fortunate to get clear ones so they aren't terribly noticeable (I had people who didn't notice I had them for about a week) and don't have a juvenile look to them. They haven't been as bad of a pain as many said they would be and I've been dealing quite well. I'm curious how getting them tightened is going to be like; I feel so excited but nervous! :)
On top of that, about a week later, I also changed up my hair! I'm sure you guys have noticed I love to have it loose, whether it be curly, straight or wavy, but that was all there was to it. Reason is because I have not touched my hair outside of washing, of course, and trimming the ends. My best friend Michelle scored a promotional deal to a lovely salon in Manhattan and invited me to tag along and I took full advantage of it. I ended up with the following done: layers, side-swept bangs, highlights, and a trim. Oh how I loved the results! And my stylist was wonderful! He was telling me how he had gone to Buenos Aires, Argentina to study to be a professional hairstylist and was speaking how the fashion there is impeccable and something I had to go to experience, so you can bet that I will make plans to go! So here is my end result:
So do you like? I LOVE! We didn't let our new hairstyles go to waste though! We both went home to change into our party outfits and went out that night to one of the city's hottest clubs, Pacha, where Max Vangeli was playing some excellent tunes! All in all we had a spectacular night that lasted till close to 6 am! It was the perfect way to end the school semester and get right into my vacation. Here's some pics from the lovely night with my bff Michelle and our close friend Nick:

(Max Vangeli just owned my soul this night! My feet were killing me but I still danced and got this killer shot!)
I know some are unclear but the lighting is difficult to deal with, especially with it constantly flashing! lol But I stuck to my black and white go-to color scheme and put in my fave flirty look, polka dots! I really loved the contrast of the bustier with the headband. I made my outfit stick to black while having white accessories, with exception to the very sexy over-the-knee boots, that I've been living in since I got them! I think this combined with the polka dots ups this from a cutesy look to more seductive. The bustier itself really merges the two qualities together but by adding the bolero it adds a little modesty to the sheer back. As for makeup, I just added some eyeliner and mascara paired with a red lip as I felt the outfit held a lot already but with the addition of color on the lips, it really adds a nice pop. Speaking of makeup:
I was totally loving Michelle's eyes! Her outfit was black and grey so she added a lovely pop when it came to her eyes. I see this and it made me think of Fruit Loops! lol Silly but I think it adds a cute look to her otherwise very sensual outfit (It takes a real confident woman to rock that lace top with just the black bra under and not look like a hoochie but she pulled it off wonderfully).
The next night I was out again to a baby shower and was seeing some friends I hadn't seen in some time so I made sure to look great, tired as I may have been. Here you'll find me with my gang of girls:
Hey look! I pulled my hair up for once! Reason? The bangs give it a more feminine touch and compliment my face so well if I do (kudos again to my lovely stylist). Once againg I went with the black and white color scheme but much more relaxed than the previous night. Switch the boots to ankle booties, the top for what looks like a one-shoulder shirt (though it is just slung off the shoulder on the revealed side) and some less intense makeup (white shimmer on the eyes and nude pink lips) and you are transformed from club party girl to family and friends party girl. Of course, may we also give a hand to the girls? They all looked great, and it was wonderful seeing them again! :)
Lastly, I want to share with you guys how I spent my beloved post-Christmas blizzard! If you're wondering about my Christmas, it was a very chill time with the family. I personally got athletic wear. I was a little shocked but found that this could totally fit into my closet perfectly. Example? I threw on my new jacket for a walk around Times Square in the snow with my father and brother, and like the daredevil I am, I wore some heels meant for the weather:
I love the slim fit of the jacket and that it is sooo warm and cozy! It is made for this kind of weather, any kind of heavy weather really and really looks cute! There's my cutie of a brother, who, if you know me, I love so so much! He's a wonderful person to have in my life, and I'm actually teaching him the ways of fashion and style (remember the aforementioned over-the-knee boots? He picked those out! Even the lady who worked there was astonished as he talked of the perks of those compared to some other options I had out. Who said boys don't know about fashion?). Also, you can see I have a Forever 21 bag, which means, yes, I did go shopping! Who couldn't deny a lovely End-of-the-year Sale?! Buy one Item on Sale, get the other free? I'm sold! I'll show my buys, along as some other items I got via Avon, in a later post.
And so is my wrap-up for 2010! I hope you guys ended it well and enjoyed your holidays! Now stay tuned! I'm going to start of 2011, a little late, but I'm in the process of ending my procrastination, with some really big news and features for you all to look out for!
By the way, how are you guys feeling about my final few outfits for 2010? I admit, they weren't sparkley (I definitely didn't do anything for New Year's, went in with my Pjs, and that's how I like it!) but I loved them. How about you all? How were your holidays? Any comments on anything relating to what I've posted or 2010 in general?
Hasta Luego Loves!
Little Luna
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