I have skipped out on giving myself a mani for quite some time as due to excessive exposure to the acetone from constant color changes, my nails began to suffer some serious damage; so I let them do their own thing (with exception to the occasional snips and filing) until they were back to their original state. That was a while ago but I need to take my time when it comes to doing my nails, thanks to my awfully shaky hands, and tonight, with the rain a-pouring outside and while sitting cozy underneath my blanket after doing work around the home in the day as well as prepping for my final day of finals tomorrow, I gave myself a much needed manicure that lauded the following result:
I used this Peach color by Forever 21's "Love & Beauty" collection from when I last went shopping there. Perfect for spring, this soft color looks simple yet so lovely. It definitely carries a romantic feel to it. Also, it's definitely ideal with anything and everything! This may be my favorite nail lacquer within my collection thus far so definitely expect it to be seen on my digits this spring and summer.
As for preventing the damage, I checked some info out before actually painting the color on, specifically how to manage to remove it without acetone and avoiding the damage. I came across this answer, a rather intriguing one and one I wasn't too sure of trying out, until I saw the following response to someone's question on avoiding nail damage by the user amazonian:
Actually, acetone-based polish remover is really much less damaging to the nail than non-acetone versions. It removes polish much more quickly and efficiently. (I use pure acetone for glitter polish.)
After you remove polish, wash your hands, and apply and massage cuticle oil over the cuticle and nail. Let it soak in. Wait for maybe a half hour before you again wash your hands and apply fresh polish.
Be sure to use a high quality strengthener as a base coat. My fave is OPI Nail Envy. Also, use a glass (crystal) nail file. Regular sand files can cause splitting and peeling. Buffing is good too, but do it very, very sparingly, as overbuffed nails will be thin and weak.
I know this is a lot more info, but there is a lot more to do with the health of your nails then just the polish remover! 
Very useful information, no? What's your color of choice for you little piggies this season (both for your fingers and toes)? For the gents, are you cool with painting your nails and would you/do you?
Also, if you haven't checked out the "Love & Beauty" Nail Polishes, do so now! I have quite a few of them and they I find them to be a pretty good line, with an exceptionally affordable price!
Hasta Luego!
Little Luna
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